Monday 3 December 2012

Assignment three

Colour me....
Choose a colour that has a meaning which would like you to explore and celebrate.

Brown was my first choice for this assignment.  I started to make an illustration in Photoshop and this is what I came up.

Than after a day of thinking I realised that this is not the colour that represents me anymore. It used to then I was in the high school; however now I am close to the other colour. Now I can say that BLUE represents me the most.



Blue glove often used in health departments

A scarf-  a gift from my Nan when I was going to England for the first time

A piece of knitted material for kids

A scanned knitted star

Variation no.1

Variation number one came suddenly; it does not have any deeper meaning like being an idea for the first illustration. I wanted to check the composition and overall look  by using all elements on one surface.  I think it is a good starting point for this assignment number 3.

 Variation no.2

I started to work on the composition in variation number 2.  I managed to separate some of the components from each other however; I do not think it works well all together. I like the idea of the sea made from blue and white knitted material.  This part will definitely stay.  I will also leave the dotty blue scarf as a background as I think it works well.
However, I think I will come back to the idea of the person in side of blue circle, as this could be a symbol of me being pregnant now.  It works well as a metaphor of a womb.
Variation no.3

Variation number three looks different from the one above in terms of the whole concept and the composition. I scanned on of my top then I managed to use a computer program to cut it and past it in the proper place.  I wanted to make a church in the middle of globe, as the spiritual part of our life is very important to me.  I decided to leave more space and make the composition more open. It works well however I m not please with overlook. I like the idea of the cloud made from the same material as the sea on the illustration number one and two although I do not think it makes sense.

Variation no.4

I came back to the idea of the sea as bigger part of the illustration.  I think it represents me in many ways; first, it brings us a picture of an open space, the space that I crave many times in my life.  Secondly, my signs of the zodiac are Pisces that come from the sea. Thirdly it represents my personality, sometimes I can me calm and peaceful when the other time I can my strong and loud. The other part of the illustration is the church that is still there however I moved it in to the left corner. I came back to the idea to keep the little figurine as a part of the illustration. I did not place her in the centre of the blue ball just to check the other option that I had. Overall I still think I prefer to have the figurine in the middle of the ball as a symbol of pregnancy and new life.


Finished artwork

This is my finished illustration . I managed to combined all elements on one surface. I used the blue gloves from my current work to shape a triangle as a metaphor of the God. The Picasso’s bird is the symbol of peace. I came back to the idea of the figurine in the middle of circle as a metaphor of motherhood. I have also placed the sea as a major part of the illustration. I am very happy to have the opportunity to use the either black or white colour in this project. This time I went for the black colour as it makes a good background for my illustration. It gives a nice finish to my artwork.

500 words evaluation

Assignment 3 – Colour me!!


This was a very interesting assignment.  I am sure that this is just the beginning of my wonderful journey with graphic design.  The task seemed to be very easy, however the more I was working on it, the more difficult it was.  It was difficult for one reason as the colour I chose was close to someone who sadly is no longer with us, that person was my Nan.


Blue is a colour related to her.  The meaning of this colour for some people is different, sometimes you may think about the sky, sometimes about the sea.  It is a colour of truth, relaxation, healing and peace.  At the same time, it brings a cool temperature and a nice fresh breeze to you.  All those points come together and create a beautiful picture of my Nan, someone so important to me, someone who had an amazing and big impact on me.


The exercises in this part of the course helped me to create a final illustration for this assignment.  I took a lot from the exercise called “Seeing the light” where I had to produce more than 20 designs that explored visual dynamics.  I was definitely more comfortable with moving items around in my illustration and coming up with a good composition.


Exercise “Understanding colour” was definitely a big help for me.  I managed to work with one main colour and another complementary colour easily without any doubts.  Exercise “Abstract cities” from the project “Working with colours” was more advanced than the two previous exercises.  .  Now I may say I can easily build a picture based on colours and simple shapes.  I found this new technique for me very exciting.  I took a lot from this task which I could use in the assignment.  The blue picture I designed could have been created with simple blocks of colour, however I decided to make it more interesting and converted it into a collage, by using objects such as blue gloves.


Exercise “Photomontage” played a big part in my creative process.  This was a task to create a picture with a political message.  For as long as I remember I have always liked this technique as it gives a lot of possibilities and chances to be creative.  It gives an opportunity to create new meanings out of already existing pictures.  This time it fitted perfectly with an idea for this assignment to create a poster about me.  I used scanned materials like blue rubber gloves from the NHS hospital where I work, as well as my Nan’s blue scarf and two other materials.  I used a copy of Picasso’s White Dove, which symbolises peace.  I also found a place for a blue stone scanned from a magazine.


To sum up my work, I would like to add a few words.  Part three of my study books was full of interesting exercises that lead me towards expanding my skills as a future graphic designer.  I know that the finished poster looks like an illustration, however I can see a progress in the way how I think about objects and composition.  In particular the project with a light bulb has opened my eyes towards a new way of exploring the amount of possibilities that one picture may have.  It is a fun and creative part of being a graphic designer; sometimes less is more.  I am looking forward to assignment four.


Project : Photomontage and collage

Exercise : Photomontage

I decided to take WAR as a subject for this exercise. I wanted to take a close look on this issue .

I managed to do a research about the vintage war posters that involved women and the way how they were treating the subject. Many times they were the pillars of the war. They had to support their husbands, partners and sons by producing things like food, clothing or ammunition. I think that was very difficult time for them. It must to be hard to keep the balance between the war real live. I also think that they did not have any choice like standing beside their men .

There was also a period where they wanted to help by joining to the army.







Henry Peach Robinson  made the world's first  photomontage.

war current photomontages:






my posters:
I used the art work of few other artists for this photomontage.

The Third of May 1808 by Francisco Goya in 1814

La Grande Odalisca  by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814

   poster no.1  

poster no.2

poster no.3

The issue that I wanted to touch in this project is not related to me personally; however this is a message I would like to send to all husbands fighting the war at the moment somewhere with someone. I am totally against the wars especially when they are focus on fighting for someone money and power. Pure solders and people that serve in the army they are only players in this massive game. I cannot stand the news about another soldier who died in the war and became a number that filled the coffin. That is why I was trying to give my respect to all woman who have the other half fighting in the army. This is the reason why I would like to say it at loud : Stop the war! Come home!

Thursday 15 November 2012

Project : Reading images

Exercise : Signs and symbols





                                                                                Eadweard Muybridge

Directional Movement System (DMS)







research :

  danger insect

I decided to crate the sign of a danger by using very bright colours contrasting with black and purple background.


Whenever I hear the word “DANGER”, I see a petrol station and someone smoking a cigarette, that image gives me a shivers straight away.  Therefore, I designed a simple shape of a lighter contrasting with purple and black colours that symbolise petrol or a fuel.
