Monday 3 December 2012

Project : Photomontage and collage

Exercise : Photomontage

I decided to take WAR as a subject for this exercise. I wanted to take a close look on this issue .

I managed to do a research about the vintage war posters that involved women and the way how they were treating the subject. Many times they were the pillars of the war. They had to support their husbands, partners and sons by producing things like food, clothing or ammunition. I think that was very difficult time for them. It must to be hard to keep the balance between the war real live. I also think that they did not have any choice like standing beside their men .

There was also a period where they wanted to help by joining to the army.







Henry Peach Robinson  made the world's first  photomontage.

war current photomontages:






my posters:
I used the art work of few other artists for this photomontage.

The Third of May 1808 by Francisco Goya in 1814

La Grande Odalisca  by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814

   poster no.1  

poster no.2

poster no.3

The issue that I wanted to touch in this project is not related to me personally; however this is a message I would like to send to all husbands fighting the war at the moment somewhere with someone. I am totally against the wars especially when they are focus on fighting for someone money and power. Pure solders and people that serve in the army they are only players in this massive game. I cannot stand the news about another soldier who died in the war and became a number that filled the coffin. That is why I was trying to give my respect to all woman who have the other half fighting in the army. This is the reason why I would like to say it at loud : Stop the war! Come home!

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