Wednesday 14 November 2012

Project: Visual literacy

Exercise : A vsual diary

Fun fun fun … My husband and his family were surprised looking at me during collecting some bits for this task. I was so obsess to find more and more different items that were representing the day or the invent I was a part of.  For some people the items I was collecting were simply a rubbish however for me were a good idea for this exercise, for example a piece of robe from the boat I was sailing.


 Q:    What does this tell you about your own visual language and cultural awareness?

A :   
The visual language should be easy to understand by a viewer and at the same time is honest and true of visual languages.  In my Visual diary, I decided to concentrate on people, nature and cultural events that I attended.  The black paper makes it even easier to read by a big contrast between the items collected by me.


day 1

day 2

day 3

day 4

day 5

day 6

day 7

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