Tuesday 10 April 2012

Part Two - Problem solving

I got my first tutor report and it made me think bit more about my course. I have to say tha I did not put enough effort into my studding lately.
I remember one day at primary school when my tutor said to me: Kasia, you are very talented girl but that laziness is standing on your way to become a successful student.”

 That sentence came back to me when I was reading OCA tutor report a few days ago.  This time is all about putting more effort into the blog .  I will use OCA blog as a good way to express my thoughts and creative thinking process.  I know I did not spend enough time on documenting my studding so far but that is going to be changed. 

There was another event in my life a couple days ago, that made me thinks differently about my course.  This was during BBC program:  Riots and Revolutions: My Arab Journey about Egypt and horrible situation a year after the revolution.  I know that I am very lucky to be able to study what I want.

Exercise: Working to a brief

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