Sunday 15 April 2012

Project: Researching and developing ideas

Exercise :

Book cover design

After reading a book called “The Island of Doctor Moreau” wrote by H.G. Wells, after research I came up with a few ideas for a book cover. The atmosphere of this book is full of mystery events associated with the figure Dr.Moreau.

                                                                      Edward Bettison

Edward Bettison is the author of this project.  I got this book from the nearest library and I had time to have a close look on the design.  It catches a viewer eye with the dark green colours.  The mysterious easy hidden behind the palm trees are very hypnotising. I really like it overall.

                                                                         Zach Hobbs

I like this interesting book cover design by Zach Hobbs.  It has very scary mood but the space has been used in very query way. I like the style of this collage, which reminds me of the posters from 1920 -1930.

I could not find the name of this artist however; I decided to use this illustration on my blog as an inspiration.  The strongest point of this book cover is the simplicity.  The colours are only black and white and they work well with the image of this monster.

I do not want to copy any existed already ideas however, it is hard not to fallow few determinants like  island, palm trees, the dominant green colour and strange animals. Therefore, I know if I do not work on the style of my illustration, the book cover will not look original.

Incidentally, the photo of a dog with the mask of butterfly was stuck in one of my book.  I would like to design a similar picture however; instead of a dog, I will have a man with an animal mask.  I would like to create an image, which says that there is a monster in every man.  

I did a few sketches that may be good for this task.

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